In this 3D anime, ambitious futanari Valerie returns from another tour, expecting a heated reunion with her friend Laura, but when she arrives she finds a locked door. Entering her mansion through the window, Valerie discovers that Laura hasn't thought to miss her friend. The resourceful futanari girl has created a virtual Valerie with whom she has managed to spend some time away from reality. Now the real Valerie will have to bring her friend back.
In this 3D anime, ambitious futanari Valerie returns from another tour, expecting a heated reunion with her friend Laura, but when she arrives she finds a locked door. Entering her mansion through the window, Valerie discovers that Laura hasn't thought to miss her friend. The resourceful futanari girl has created a virtual Valerie with whom she has managed to spend some time away from reality. Now the real Valerie will have to bring her friend back.
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