Alpha-France (1976) La derniere nuit / The last night (Carole Gire, Cecile Carole, Christine Chireix, Danielle Deslandes, Dawn Cummings, Francoise Avril, Karine Gambier) It's Saturday and Alex and Isabelle are preparing for their very "spicy" weekly session. In a moment of excitement, the President presses the red button and the groans of pleasure mingle with the explosions of the 3rd World War.
Alpha-France (1976) La derniere nuit / The last night (Carole Gire, Cecile Carole, Christine Chireix, Danielle Deslandes, Dawn Cummings, Francoise Avril, Karine Gambier) It's Saturday and Alex and Isabelle are preparing for their very "spicy" weekly session. In a moment of excitement, the President presses the red button and the groans of pleasure mingle with the explosions of the 3rd World War.
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