Once upon a time there was a boy named Naoto and two girls, Chika and Ayane. Once they once were inseparable friends and played together. Time passed. The girls grew up, became adults - beautiful and slender - and something grew (see title). And they grew up to a size that makes the medium -sized male nemesis to the same floor, and that the average Japanese woman (which is no longer a nemesis) begins to emit black envy. It goes without saying that the boy has also grown up to becoming a man, and he has also grown ... well, you know what ... the Japanese are also envious. Everything would go well, but there is a problem: the two girls want the boy immensely.
Once upon a time there was a boy named Naoto and two girls, Chika and Ayane. Once they once were inseparable friends and played together. Time passed. The girls grew up, became adults - beautiful and slender - and something grew (see title). And they grew up to a size that makes the medium -sized male nemesis to the same floor, and that the average Japanese woman (which is no longer a nemesis) begins to emit black envy. It goes without saying that the boy has also grown up to becoming a man, and he has also grown ... well, you know what ... the Japanese are also envious. Everything would go well, but there is a problem: the two girls want the boy immensely.
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