In Beverly Hills, Toni Ribas befriends a young, horny slut in Kayla Kayden who wants nothing more than to spice up her life living in her boring suburban town. So when Mr. Ribas robs Kayla, she offers to take him back to her parents' house where he'll not only get to steal whatever he wants, but she'll seduce him into giving her the rough and hard sex she's been craving!
In Beverly Hills, Toni Ribas befriends a young, horny slut in Kayla Kayden who wants nothing more than to spice up her life living in her boring suburban town. So when Mr. Ribas robs Kayla, she offers to take him back to her parents' house where he'll not only get to steal whatever he wants, but she'll seduce him into giving her the rough and hard sex she's been craving!
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