Veruca James is a horny housewife who has been after her husband to give her something she’s always desired: anal sex. With her husband refusing to fuck her in the ass, Veruca turns to writing to a women’s help blog known only as “Dear Keira” for some advice. To her surprise, “Keira" decides to come right over, only Ms. James’ surprised to find out that she’s been communicating with Mr. Lee the whole time—and he’s more than willing to satisfy her sexual appetite! Will Veruca get what she’s always wanted? Will her marriage ever be the same again? vn
Veruca James is a horny housewife who has been after her husband to give her something she’s always desired: anal sex. With her husband refusing to fuck her in the ass, Veruca turns to writing to a women’s help blog known only as “Dear Keira” for some advice. To her surprise, “Keira" decides to come right over, only Ms. James’ surprised to find out that she’s been communicating with Mr. Lee the whole time—and he’s more than willing to satisfy her sexual appetite! Will Veruca get what she’s always wanted? Will her marriage ever be the same again? vn
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