Sophia Locke has been a favorite of mine for a while. Our schedules finally worked out so that we are in the same town on the same night so she agrees to meet with me. She's just the hottest red head I have ever seen. I love how much she loves getting her face covered in cum in her movies. Tonight, I want that. I want to spread my seed all over Sophia's pretty face. Luckily she is more than happy to oblige. Nl
Sophia Locke has been a favorite of mine for a while. Our schedules finally worked out so that we are in the same town on the same night so she agrees to meet with me. She's just the hottest red head I have ever seen. I love how much she loves getting her face covered in cum in her movies. Tonight, I want that. I want to spread my seed all over Sophia's pretty face. Luckily she is more than happy to oblige. Nl
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