Kayley Gunner tried to hook up on a dating app while visiting her friend, but she struck out. Her friend's husband, Ryan, just so happened to find her on said app. Kayley is curious why a married man like Ryan is on a dating app though. Kayley decides that if Ryan is going to go out looking for strange, the strange he gets might as well be from her . After all she is best friend's with Ryan's wife, it's the least she can do to thank him for letting her crash at their place for a couple of days. Jk
Kayley Gunner tried to hook up on a dating app while visiting her friend, but she struck out. Her friend's husband, Ryan, just so happened to find her on said app. Kayley is curious why a married man like Ryan is on a dating app though. Kayley decides that if Ryan is going to go out looking for strange, the strange he gets might as well be from her . After all she is best friend's with Ryan's wife, it's the least she can do to thank him for letting her crash at their place for a couple of days. Jk
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