Kailani Kai arrives at her son's place for a surprise visit. He's not home but his friend and roommate, Lawson, is there. He is confused because he doesn't know who Kailani is at all. At first, Lawson thought she was a sugar momma paying for all his needs. Lawson really wants a sugar momma of his own so he can have some fun and make some extra cash. Turns out Kailani isn't opposed to the idea. Jkl
Kailani Kai arrives at her son's place for a surprise visit. He's not home but his friend and roommate, Lawson, is there. He is confused because he doesn't know who Kailani is at all. At first, Lawson thought she was a sugar momma paying for all his needs. Lawson really wants a sugar momma of his own so he can have some fun and make some extra cash. Turns out Kailani isn't opposed to the idea. Jkl
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