Dickie the Chump wants to become a bad ass karate ninja champion so he can get all the pussy in town. Mr. Hung Dong will teach him to become a pussy magnet overnight with his secret and patented kung fu move: Kik Em Balz. Can Dickie get his willy wet in the end? Spoiler alert: Fuck if I know! I blew my load on the first scene and fell asleep!
Dickie the Chump wants to become a bad ass karate ninja champion so he can get all the pussy in town. Mr. Hung Dong will teach him to become a pussy magnet overnight with his secret and patented kung fu move: Kik Em Balz. Can Dickie get his willy wet in the end? Spoiler alert: Fuck if I know! I blew my load on the first scene and fell asleep!
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350Cable TV Reruns
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