Carter has taken a trip to LA to visit an old friend from high school. She has married a hot rich European guy who gives her everything she desires. Just as Carter is about to leave, her friend brings her a last minute surprise. Some beautiful red lingerie that matches her own. Once they are both wearing the gorgeous outfits, her friend confesses that she has always been attracted to Carter and its not long before he two girls are becoming intimate. When her husband walks in unexpectedly, Carter is a bit shocked, but her friend has always been taught to share. Nl
Carter has taken a trip to LA to visit an old friend from high school. She has married a hot rich European guy who gives her everything she desires. Just as Carter is about to leave, her friend brings her a last minute surprise. Some beautiful red lingerie that matches her own. Once they are both wearing the gorgeous outfits, her friend confesses that she has always been attracted to Carter and its not long before he two girls are becoming intimate. When her husband walks in unexpectedly, Carter is a bit shocked, but her friend has always been taught to share. Nl
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