Brittany Andrews planned a surprise visit to her see her son. She gets to his place, but when she realizes he isn't home she gives him a call. While on the phone, Brittany's son reveals that his roommate bullies him by making him live in the smaller room even though Brittany's son pays more rent. Brittany is having none of that, so she marches to her son's roommate and demands he give her son the bigger room, but his roommate won't budge unless Brittany can make him cum. With no other option Brittany takes that big dick! Hk
Brittany Andrews planned a surprise visit to her see her son. She gets to his place, but when she realizes he isn't home she gives him a call. While on the phone, Brittany's son reveals that his roommate bullies him by making him live in the smaller room even though Brittany's son pays more rent. Brittany is having none of that, so she marches to her son's roommate and demands he give her son the bigger room, but his roommate won't budge unless Brittany can make him cum. With no other option Brittany takes that big dick! Hk
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