Bella Luna didn't do so great on her exam and she missed the make up exam. She really needs to pass her class though so she stops by to talk to her professor hoping there is something she could do to ensure that she passes. Her professor has given her many chances though and Bella just hasn't taken them, but there is one more thing she could do. If Bella takes care of her professor, then her professor will take care of her grades. Bella knows exactly what he means by that, so she gets on her knees and starts going to town on her professor's cock. Jk
Bella Luna didn't do so great on her exam and she missed the make up exam. She really needs to pass her class though so she stops by to talk to her professor hoping there is something she could do to ensure that she passes. Her professor has given her many chances though and Bella just hasn't taken them, but there is one more thing she could do. If Bella takes care of her professor, then her professor will take care of her grades. Bella knows exactly what he means by that, so she gets on her knees and starts going to town on her professor's cock. Jk
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