We couldn't miss this event that only happens every 4 years. These are our first Olympics games so let's celebrate and compete with our favorite foreign pornstar, Angel Rivas. First, a beach volleyball game and here Angel wins, distracting us with her lovely body shape. 1-0 to Russia. During the 15 meters run Angel plays her cards again: the bouncing of her breasts almost beat us again. Nick wins by a cock. 1-1, a tie. This will have to be resolved by playing a non-olympic game which gives way more pleasure than winning a gold medal. Let's Fuck!!! Jk
We couldn't miss this event that only happens every 4 years. These are our first Olympics games so let's celebrate and compete with our favorite foreign pornstar, Angel Rivas. First, a beach volleyball game and here Angel wins, distracting us with her lovely body shape. 1-0 to Russia. During the 15 meters run Angel plays her cards again: the bouncing of her breasts almost beat us again. Nick wins by a cock. 1-1, a tie. This will have to be resolved by playing a non-olympic game which gives way more pleasure than winning a gold medal. Let's Fuck!!! Jk
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